Investigations by country:

31. July 2018

Poland | Voivodship Swietokrzyskie | Monthly report July: Farm Animal Service

Niedospielin - Cleaning the wound on mare’s leg.

Our farriers have visited 17 farms, trimmed 10 horses and 1 cow. They have also dewormed one mare. Two new contracts were signed. New participants of the FAS programme are requested to fulfill several tasks. For example, in Szerzawy the farmer needs to fix and clean stable windows and dog’s kennel. Our team has been asked to check a lame mare in…

31. July 2018

Poland | Bodzentyn| Monthly Report July: Cattle & Horse markets

Cow with ingrown hornes.

Being regularly present on the animal market in Bodzentyn for the last 15 years, we see that this place has changed a lot during last three years. The new mayor with a better approach, new market staff, new Veterinary Inspector and finally the big effort of our Polish team who regularly report all the infringements to the local Veterinary…

30. June 2018

Poland | Bodzentyn, Lagow | Monthly report June cattle & horse markets

Cow with a hand written eart tag. Selling and buying this animal is not allowed.

This month, our Polish team has visited animal markets six times. Both places are calm and not very busy. We observe fewer animals. Once, at the horse market, no one shows up. This situation has happened for the first time since TSB|AWF controls this place.
At cattle market, we observe several cows with ovegrown hooves. We also notice a new trader…

30. June 2018

Poland | Voivodship Swietokrzyskie | Monthly Report June: Farm Animal Service (FAS)

In Podgorze we apply an antiparasitic agent for the dogs.

In June, our Polish farriers visited 15 farms, trimmed 9 horses and dewormed 1 mare. They have signed three new contracts with farmers in Swieradowice, Psary Podlazy and Nowy Skoszyn. The farm in Swieradowice is one we used to visit in the past. We have not been here for a while and we are happy to see big changes since our last visit: two new…

27. June 2018

Poland | Silesia | Meeting with Mayor of Myszkow

[Translate to English:] Mit dem Bürgermeister im Hundeheim von Zawiercie.

Our team in Poland went to Myszkow in Silesia region to learn more about their method of reducing number of homeless dogs in the shelter. Myszków is one of very few municipalities which have resolved this problem scientifically. They started in 2010, when the current Mayor won the elections. At that time there were almost 300 homeless dogs in the…

20. April 2018

Poland | Bodzentyn, Lagow | Monthly report March cattle & horse markets

[Translate to English:]

In March, our team in Poland visited animal markets 9 times. Most of the horses brought to the market are selected for two dealers who buy animals in Bodzentyn regularly. Both belong to Italians. One company still transports horses to Italy. The other one has stopped and slaughters horses much closer, in Poland.
On the cattle market, the situation…

17. April 2018

Poland| Bodzentyn, Lagow | Monthly report February cattle & horse markets

[Translate to English:]

In February our team visited the cattle and horse markets 10 times. Nowadays, the average number of cattle at the market is around 350 and around 30 for horses. We noticed only 7 cows with overgrown hooves, 2 emaciated ones and 2 with injuries on ischial bones (including a cow from Germany). The general condition of observed horses is good we did…

17. April 2018

Poland | Voivodship Swietokrzyskie | Monthly report February FAS

[Translate to English:]

In February, our FAS team visited 8 farms and twice the cattle market in Lagow. They singed five new contracts with farmers interesting in improving living conditions of their animals. We noticed positive change in attitude of some farmers who were not very cooperative previously. We were convinced they would not be interested in joining our…

02. March 2018

Poland | Kielce region | Inspection with ITD Kielce

A calve that has been tied with a rope around its horns.

On a very cold early morning TSB|AWF and EonA team helped the Road Transport Inspection (ITD) from Kielce assess the transport conditions of cattle. It was not our first time in this area, and we were happy to see that after previously imposed sanctions, the cattle was not transported on 2 decks in the swanneck. Unfortunately, two out of 3…