Investigations by country:

15. August 2017

Poland | Neutering program in Swietokrzyskie region

[Translate to English:] Łukasz Cieśla – Veterinär aus Nowa Słupia mit seiner Patientin Ramona.

In February, TSB/AWF invited chosen municipalities in the Swietokrzyskie region to participate in a free neutering program for cats and dogs belonging to residents (as opposed to the projects for homeless animals). The project assumed that TSB/AWF would finance 70% of neutering costs if local government covers the remaining 30% and the costs of…

31. July 2017

Poland | Srodborze, Kochanow | Farm Animal Service - Teaching kids compassion toward animals

[Translate to English:] Erinnerungsfoto mit den Kindern in Srodborze.

During the summer, our FAS team decided to organize trainings about animal welfare for children spending their holidays at summer camps. Our farriers visited two places a few times: a rancho in Kochanow and a riding center in Srodborze. The trainings include a theoretical part in the form of a presentation, and a practical part based on everyday…

31. July 2017

Poland | Monthly report July | Voivodship Swietokrzyskie | Farm Animal Service

[Translate to English:] Ziegen sind keine häufigen Kunden unseres Teams.

In July our farriers visited 25 farms. They trimmed hooves of 33 horses, several goats and claws of 3 cows. In most of the cases, our team was called to lame animals. In a few cases, the abscess was the reason of lameness. In one case, our farriers suspected joint injury. In the remaining cases, the lameness was caused by overgrown hooves.


08. July 2017

Poland | Bodzentyn | Cattle market

Today our team is inspecting the cattle market in Bodzentyn. There is much more animals than last time. We count about 600 animals. Half of them are young. We suspect it is because the subsidies were paid and farmers want to dispose of the animals. We notice one trader who wants to sell several very young calves. Some of them look very skinny, some…

30. June 2017

Poland | Monthly report June | Voivodship Swietokrzyskie | Farm Animal Service

[Translate to English:] Kühe die sich frei auf einer Weide bewegen können.

In June our FAS team in Poland visited 15 farms. They trimmed hooves of 11 horses and claws of 5 cows. In Czajecice our farriers were surprised by a cow who had no problems with having her front legs picked at all. In Debno Michal and Bogdan visited a well-organized farm, where cows have access to a meadow and can move and walk untied. Another…

17. June 2017

Poland | Germany | Trailing of three transports with unweaned calves

[Translate to English:] Durstige Kälber versuchen verzweifelt, an den ungeeigneten Metallnippeln zu trinken.

From 16th to 17th of June, teams from AWF|TSB trailed three transports with calves from Lithuania and from Poland to Spain and to the Netherlands. All transports were carrying unweaned calves in the age of less than 8 weeks. Those animals are still depending on milk, milk replacer or electrolyte solution and on special feeding equipment and…

31. May 2017

Poland | Monthly report May | Voivodship Swietokrzyskie | Farm Animal Service

[Translate to English:] Lange Klauen fordern manchmal den Gebrauch von zusätzlichen Werkzeugen für die Korrektur.

In May, our Polish farriers visited 32 farms. Most of them are visited by our team regularly. Michal & Bogdan have trimmed hooves of 39 horses, claws of 6 cows and 1 bull. Ten horses were dewormed and one treated for skin infection. A few animals needed trimming because they were limping; two horses had very neglected hooves. Our farriers visited a…

23. May 2017

Poland | Katowice | Veterinary Inspection training – practice

[Translate to English:]

Today we are going to a control point at a highway with the first group of participants of our training, to exercise in practice what was discussed yesterday during the theory. ITD (Road Transport Inspectors) are providing their professional and kind help. Two transports are inspected, both national, under 8 hours and carrying pigs. No major…

22. May 2017

Poland | Katowice | Veterinary Inspection training – theory

[Translate to English:]

Today we are giving a training requested by Regional Veterinary Inspection in Katowice. This is our first training for Veterinary Officials in Poland, we are very happy that our trainings for ITD (Road Transport Inspection) are having such a broad effect. We have a lot of participants: about 100 Veterinary Officials are participating (Regional…