01. March 2018

Poland | Skaryszew | Horse market and inspections of vehicles with ITD

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Third time in a row, the TSB|AWF team visit the annual horse market in Skaryszew, central Poland. Most of the team spend long cold hours (real feel temperature between -2˚C and -9˚C)  observing the market and its surroundings, while one team member joins the ITD (Road Transport Inspection) officers to inspect trucks bringing the animals to and from…

20. February 2018

USA | Montana | Shelby| Bouvry Exports Bar S Feedlot

[Translate to English:] Es gibt noch immer keinen Witterungsschutz für die Pferde in Shelby.

30-31.10.2017: We visit the Bar S Feedlot in Shelby, Montana, which serves the Canadian slaughterhouse Bouvry as a collection station for slaughter horses purchased at auctions across the US. We immediately notice that the feedlot is under its capacity and there are empty pens. The horses still do not have shelter and thus no protection from sun,…

20. February 2018

USA | Montana | Billings Horse Auction

[Translate to English:] Pferde werden in stark verschmutzten Pferchen gehalten.

We return to the monthly horse sale held in Billings. The auction, which is one of the largest horse sales in the country, markets approximately 700 horses each time and attracts hundreds of buyers from the surrounding states. We arrive early, but the pens are already crowded. The loose horses are kept in the larger pens at the back of the…

20. February 2018

Argentina | Cordoba | General Pico slaughterhouse

[Translate to English:] Ein Pferd mit verletztem Kiefer hat Schwierigkeiten beim Fressen.

Our team visits General Pico horse slaughterhouse near Cordoba. Since our last visit there is still insufficient weather protection. Only one row of holding pens is partly covered by a fabric roof and the majority of the pens are fully exposed to sun and rain. We estimate that there are around 500 horses in total. The horses are very crowded, which…

20. February 2018

[Translate to English:] Argentinien | Buenos Aires | Schlachthof Lamar

[Translate to English:] Eine schwache Stute mit deutlichen Anzeichen von Schmerzen: aufgeblähte Nüstern, zurückgelegte Ohren, ein zitterndes Hinterbein.

We again see horses in the lairage, the adjacent holding pens and the large paddocks, and estimate that there are around 130 horses when we arrive. There are two groups, each of about 35 horses, in the adjacent holding pens, which used to be partly covered by a green fabric roof and now offer no shelter at all. The animals are overcrowded, while…

20. February 2018

Argentina | Buenos Aires | Lamar slaughterhouse

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Our team visits slaughterhouse Lamar at early morning. The lairage area is crowded with horses. An employee starts hosing them down, splashing water also in their faces. The floor of the pens is wet and gets very slippery. The handling of the horses is unprofessional and rough. At the entrance of the stunning chute, one or two employees are hitting…

19. February 2018

Poland | Gdansk region | Training for Gdansk Police, Inspection with ITD Gdansk



29-31.01.2018 and 01.02.2018: A very special time for the TSB|AWF and EonA team in the north of Poland. We are giving a training to the Police for the first time in Poland, and taking the opportunity to do a joint inspection with Road Transport Inspection (ITD) there, who completed our training in November 2016. A lot of good atmosphere,…

12. February 2018

Poland | Katowice region | Inspection with ITD Katowice

Two days of joint inspections with Road Transport Inspection resulted in four sad records. All animal transports inspected were performed with severe violations of the law, each holding a record in their own category. The first record breaker carried big adult cattle on two decks of a lorry, reaching 4.33m of height with the truck (maximum allowed…

06. February 2018

Germany | Leipzig | Training on animal transport

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The traffic police in Leipzig invited representatives of the BAG and official veterinarians from three districts to a training seminar on inspections of animal transports. Beside the animal transport inspectors and experts Dieter Adam (traffic police Brandenburg-Süd) and Dr. Alexander Rabitsch we provide our experience and expertise on animal…