17. December 2016

Poland | Bodzentyn | Cattle market in Bodzentyn

[Translate to English:] Kühe mit überwachsenen Hufen.

Today at the cattle market in Bodzentyn are a lot of trucks but fewer animals than we expected. Our team counts about 600-650 animals, but we expected more because it’s the last market before Christmas. We observe only a few cows with overgrown hooves and a few emaciated animals. The others look being in surprisingly good condition. One of the…

15. December 2016

Uruguay | Canelones | Slaughterhouse Sarel | Horsemeat import

[Translate to English:] Ungenügender Witterungsschutz und trächtige Stute (rechts).

When we arrive at the slaughterhouse Sarel, we are surprised to see that the large paddocks next to the main road, which were empty on our last visit in October, are very crowded today. Altogether, there are approximately 250 horses on the slaughterhouse premises. The temperature reaches 28°C today. We note that two small shelters have been built,…

15. December 2016

Uruguay | Canelones | Slaughterhouse Clay | Horsemeat import

[Translate to English:] Sammelstelle Clay: kein Schatten für die Pferde vorhanden.

When we arrive at the collecting station of the slaughterhouse Clay, we immediately realize that the horses still have no weather protection whatsoever. The broken shelters still have not been fixed although December is one of the hottest months of the year. The horses are kept in paddocks that offer no shade at all, not even from trees. Several of…

08. December 2016

Mexico | Guadalajara | 4th OIE Global Conference on Animal welfare

[Translate to English:] Konferenzeinführung

Together with Eyes on Animals we participated at the 4th OIE Global Conference on Animal Welfare in Mexico, to present a poster about the on-going project to improve slaughterhouses in Turkey. Via communication and direct work, Eyes on Animals and Animal Welfare Foundation bring the scientific knowledge and OIE standards and other guidelines to…

04. December 2016

Uruguay | Lavalleja - Minas | Rodeo | Horsemeat import

[Translate to English:] Die Pferde werden mit Sporen getreten und Peitsche geschlagen, damit sie buckeln.

Today we visit another rodeo, called “jineteada” in Uruguay. Again, the horses are tied to a wooden post and blindfolded until the rodeo starts. They are very frightened. One horse falls down once and another twice while tied to the post and trying to free themselves. When the rodeo starts and the blindfold is taken off, the rider kicks the horse…

01. December 2016

Germany | Calau | Inspections on animal transports with the traffic police in South of Brandenburg

[Translate to English:] AWF Team filmt die Transportbedingungen eines Rindertransportes

The practical part of the training is on the highway and at an assembly station. We are accompanied by a team from MDR television. On the way to the assembly station the police observes a small trailer loaded with poultry. The animals are in danger to fall out and they are not efficiently protected from the cold temperature and the rain. Especially…

01. December 2016

Poland | Nowa Słupia | Neutering dogs and cats in Nowa Słupia region

[Translate to English:]

TSB/AWF in cooperation with local government Nowa Słupia offered free castration for 50 dogs and cats belongs to residents. The campaign lasted from September till end of November. Thereby, 29 female dogs, 19 female cats and 2 cats were neutered. TSB/AWF financed 30 castrations and Nowa Słupia paid for 20, all dogs were chipped and registered into…

30. November 2016

Polen | Monthly report November | Region Heiligkreuz | Farm Animal Service

[Translate to English:] Hufkorrektur beim 2-jährigen Hengst “Czort”.

In November our FAS-Team Michal and Bogdan visited 20 farms, some of them several times.  They trimmed the hoofes of 16 horses and dewormed 3 foals. Some of the horses were treated by the team for the first time, others like the young and beautiful stallion “Witek” is in our care since he was a foal. A 20 year old mare in Rzepin needed regular…

30. November 2016

Germany | Calau | Training for the police in Süd Brandenburg

[Translate to English:] Dieter Adam erläutert die Auswertung des Fahrtenschreibers

Together with the expert on animal transport, Dr. Alexander Rabitsch, we give a training on livestock inspections for the traffic police in South Brandenburg. The training is organized by Dieter Adam, a policeman with years of experience in livestock inspections. He presented the basics of the police work during these inspections. Ten policemen and…