29. August 2016

Turkey | Border at Kapikule | EU animal exportsto Turkey

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Our team has inspected today 15 road transport vehicles transporting live bovines from EU member states to Turkey. The majority of animals have been found to be in a good condition. However we have found one truck that carried 2 young newborn calves that have been born during the journey to two German heifers.

That should have not happened. The…

29. August 2016

USA | Shelby - Montana | Bar S Feedlot | Horsemeat import

[Translate to English:] Eine abgemagerte Stute mit hervorstehenden Hüfthöckern.

The Bar S Feedlot in Shelby, Montana, is operated on behalf of the Canadian horse slaughter plant Bouvry in Alberta. The massive feedlot holds approximately 1’600 horses and serves as a collecting station for US horses purchased for Bouvry in various US states. The horses spend sometimes months inside the feedlot to be fattened up before they are…

28. August 2016

USA | Billings - Montana | Horse auction | Horsemeat import

[Translate to English:] Ein Pferd hält sein schmerzendes Bein hoch.

The horse auction in Billings is one of the largest monthly horse sales in the country. Due to its close proximity to the Canadian border, the sale is very popular among kill buyers. Each month, approximately 400 horses are sold to slaughter.

The “slaughter prospects” are kept in an extensive, shelter-less outdoor pen area. 30 to 40 horses are…

08. July 2016

Turkey | Border Kapikule | Animal transports

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During the last week, two teams of TSB|AWF and Eyes on Animals have seen approximately 200 livestock trucks pass the Turkish border of Kapikule and inspected 118 thereof. The animals were coming from Germany, Austria, Hungary, Czech Republic, Estonia, Lithuania, Italy and Slovakia. Before the investigation, we had sent a warning to all exporting EU…

08. July 2016

USA | Sugarcreek - Ohio | Horse auction | Horsemeat import

[Translate to English:] Das abgemagerte Pferd frisst gierig das Heu, das wir ihm hinlegen.

We return to the weekly horse sale in Sugarcreek operated by Ohio’s largest kill buyer, Leroy Baker. He is currently shipping approximately three loads of horses a week to the Viande Richelieu plant in Québec, Canada.

There are approximately 125 horses inside the pen area when we arrive at midday. We note a severely emaciated gelding in a pen by…

07. July 2016

USA | New Holland - Pennsylvania | Horse auction | Horsemeat import

[Translate to English:] Pferd mit blutenden Kopfverletzungen, vermutlich vom Transport.

We arrive at the New Holland Sales Stables in the early morning. We immediately note that there are several horses with multiple cuts on their faces in the loose horse pens, injuries likely sustained in transport. A Paint horse is especially affected with a bleeding forehead injury as well as another serious cut above his left eye. In another pen,…

28. June 2016

Poland | Bodzentyn | Cattle market in Bodzentyn

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Our team starts at 6 o’clock inspecting cattle market in Bodzentyn. There are about 600 animals a little less than weeks before and the atmosphere is calm. Most of the animals are in general good condition only a few cows with overgrown hooves and one with swollen udder are observed. Team notes the ear tag numbers and will request an inspection…

28. June 2016

Turkey | Ankara | Third visit of Başkent Slaughterhouse

[Translate to English:] picture from October 2014 (still the same today)

Together with Eyes on Animals (NL) we visit Başkent slaughterhouse again. We share some updates and then make a little tour in the plant. The last time we had visited this plant they had made a number of improvements we had recommended during our first visit.  Please see here: http://www.halal-slaughter-watch.org/follow-up-inspection-of-baskent-sla…

28. June 2016

Turkey | Ereğli/Konya | Cihangir Et Slaughterhouse

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Today our partner organization Eyes on Animals is in Ereğli. Cihangir Et has a small slaughterhouse which slaughters animals only 2 days in a week. They slaughter approximately  40 cattle and 300-600 sheep a day and they sell the meat in their own market in İstanbul.


We meet with the manager. It isn't slaughter day but all workers are there for…