30. May 2021

Poland | Bodzentyn | Monthly Report May: Cattle Market

Bodzentyn. Our team is inspecting the cattle market almost every Saturday.

This month only cattle market is operating in Bodzentyn. The bird market temporarily closed due to an outbreak of bird flu in the region. During our inspection of the cattle market our team mostly sees well-kept young cattle. We are glad that we do not have to report any animal welfare violations in May.

During an inspection of a truck, we are…

30. April 2021

Poland | Wachock | Helping cats and dogs in need during the COVID-19 Pandemic

The health of every animal is carefully examined before every surgery.

This month, two animal welfare volunteers from the region of Kielce ask our team for help. They are providing veterinary care for homeless animals and try to find permanent homes for them. We have been collaborating with them before and will support them again this April within the framework of our help-programme for cats and dogs in need during…

28. April 2021

PMSG investigation in Uruguay: Blood farm Biomega

Emaciated exhausted mares with infected puncture sites.

During an investigation into PMSG production in Uruguay, we observe the Biomega blood farm for three days. There, blood is taken from pregnant mares for the production of the fertility hormone PMSG. We had already filmed the violent handling of mares during blood collection in 2018, and despite promises by the Uruguayan government to improve the…

23. April 2021

Poland | Bodzentyn | Monthly Report April: Animal Markets

Due to the subsidies for owning farm animals, it is mostly calves, and young heifers that are being sold at the Bodzentyn cattle market.

Our team inspects the cattle market in Bodzentyn. Since the beginning of the governmental subsidies for farm animal owners, mainly calves and young heifers are being sold at the market. The average number of 200 to 300 animals remains stable during the market days in April.

This month, our team decides to inspect the bird market that seems to be…

31. March 2021

Poland | Bodzentyn | Monthly Report March: Cattle and Horse Markets

Bodzentyn cattle market. Mainly young animals are being sold recently.

This month our team receives the official information that the horse market in Bodzentyn and the cattle market in Lagow stopped operating. This is the reason why our team has not documented any animals during their market inspections since a couple of months.

There is only one market selling live animals left now that our team routinely inspects…

27. March 2021

Italy | Altedo | Inspection of a lamb transport from Romania

The drinkers are not suitable for lambs. The animals cannot access any water without assistance.

Our team, accompanied by three members of the Committee of Inquiry on the Protection of Animals during Transport (ANIT), are following a truck from Romania that is in violation of the EU live transport regulation. Therefore, we call the police to stop the truck. At 3:45 p.m. the police manages to stop the transporter in Altedo. The police officers…

26. March 2021

Italy | Florence | Inspection of a lamb transport from Poland

The members of the EU Parliament Thomas Waitz, Caroline Roose, and Tilly Metz are convincing themselves of the transport conditions of live animals in Europe.

Today, our team is accompanied by three members of the European Parliament during today's live transport controls: Tilly Metz, Caroline Roose and Thomas Waitz. The three MEP belong to the Green party and are members of the Committee of Inquiry on the Protection of Animals during Transport (ANIT). They are joining us to gather information about the…

25. March 2021

Italy | Porto Viro | Inspection of a lamb transport from Romania

Our investigation team discusses the animal welfare infringements.

Our team follows a Croatian truck with lambs on board starting at the Slovenian-Italian border. The truck loaded too many lambs. We are informing the highway police. Shortly before the scheduled inspection, the truck leaves the motorway near Venice and continues south on the national road.

It is midnight when the Italian police officers, the…

17. March 2021

Poland | Wachock | Helping cats and dogs in need during the COVID-19 pandemic

At the clinic: The health of every animal is carefully examined before the neutering procedure.

In March, our team continues with their work to help cats and dogs in need during the COVID-19 pandemic. There are many stray cats and dogs in Poland. In addition, many animal owners neither have enough money to neuter the animals or properly look after a growing number of animals. Therefore, managing the population growth of cats and dogs in…