Investigations by date:

24. October 2017

Poland | Krakow | Theory training for ITD Krakow

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Today in the office of Krakow Road Transport Inspection we are giving a theory training on Regulation (EC) No. 1/2005. The group of over 30 inspectors is very active; they ask a lot of questions related to the cases they have encountered in their work. We are very happy with how dynamic the theory day is and are looking forward to two practical…

23. October 2017

Poland | Katowice - Żernica | Practical work with ITD Katowice

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The team drives early morning to an inspection place on A4 highway near Gliwice, in order to support inspectors from Katowice Road Transport Inspection (ITD) in their daily work, with focus on animals. Together we inspect 2 pig transports and 1 chicken transport. One transport is correct and can continue without any problems. This driver is…

14. October 2017

Poland | Bodzentyn | Cattle market

[Translate to English:] Abgemagerte Kuh mit Transportverletzungen an den Hüftknochen.

Today our team is inspecting the Bodzentyn cattle market. We count about 500 animals. The majority are bulls and calves. The atmosphere is calm. We observed two emaciated animals and few with overgrown hooves. We notice that one of the traders is forcefully pushing a cow into the lorry. The lorry is already full and there is no space to load more…

30. September 2017

Poland | Monthly report September | Voivodship Swietokrzyskie | Farm Animal Service

[Translate to English:] Heruntergekommene Hundehütte auf dem Hof in Jeziorko.

In September, our Polish team visited 12 farms. They trimmed hooves of 15 horses, claws of 4 cows and some goats. Just a few of these animals were limping; the rest just needed regular service. In Jeleniów, our team has seen a very good but sadly uncommon solution for cows: an open shed. This allows animals spend most of the time outside. In Jezow,…

23. September 2017

Poland | Bodzentyn | Cattle market

[Translate to English:] Sehr dünne Kuh. Ihre Wirbelsäule ist sehr gut sichtbar.

Today our team is inspecting the Bodzentyn cattle market. It is raining heavily, the ground is muddy. Checking the condition of animals and taking the photos is difficult. There are a lot of trucks and cattle this time. We count about 500 animals. The majority are cows and young cattle. Just after 7 o’clock we notice a young bull lying next to the…

09. September 2017

Poland | Starachowice | Injured kitten - update

[Translate to English:] Kätzchen kurz nach der Operation.

The injured kitten found at the market in Bodzentyn two weeks ago had to have a surgery. The veterinarian, Dr. Blicharz from Starachowice, confirmed that black skin around the kitten’s ears and tail was caused by necrosis. The infected tissue had to be removed and the tail amputated. The surgery lasted about an hour and was successful. There were…

31. August 2017

Poland | Monthly report August | Voivodship Swietokrzyskie | Farm Animal Service

[Translate to English:] Die Kinder sind sehr interessiert an der Arbeit der Hufschmiede.

This month, our farriers in Poland visited 18 farms. They trimmed hooves of 23 horses and claws of 4 cows. The young horses caused some trouble during their work. Our team instructed the owners how to exercise with horses to make trimming easier. The farriers were called twice to lame animals: a mare and a cow. The 12-year-old mare needed our help…

26. August 2017

Poland | Bodzentyn | Cattle market

[Translate to English:] 10 Jahre altes Mädchen bringt und ein verletztes Kätzchen.

As usual, our team starts inspecting the cattle market in Bodzentyn about 6 o’clock. We count about 300 animals. There is less cows, majority of the animals are bulls or young cattle and calves. A few minutes after six, a 10-year-old girl brings us a kitten. She found him under her mother’s car. The kitten looks very bad, is skinny and injured. It…

23. August 2017

Poland | Wola Lagowska | Cattle market

[Translate to English:] Kuh mit eingewachsenem Haltestrick.

Today, our team is controlling the cattle market in Wola Lagowska. We count about 500 animals. The cows are a majority, but there are also some bulls and calves. During the inspection, we see that most animals are in acceptable condition, only a few animals have neglected hooves, and some injuries on ischial bones caused by transport conditions.…