Press Reports

27. June 2024

Too many calves are being born" - NZZ reports on calf suffering

The NZZ reports extensively on the problem of so-called "surplus calves" – calves that are "overproduced" in agriculture and find no use. This inherently immoral treatment of life must finally come to an end!

05. April 2024

The Brussels Times: Why are unsafe ships still being allowed in the EU?

The Belgian "The Brussels Times" thoroughly examines how it can happen that defective and problematic ships are repeatedly allowed for the transport of living animals.

04. April 2024

OE24 report: The most dangerous ships in the world

The Austrian portal picks up our film and report. A clear sentiment is shared: No living animals belong on a ship!

11. March 2024

Hidden Autopsy Reports: reports on new revelations in Iceland.

Iceland's state television follows up on our revelations about the trade in blood mares and uncovers further atrocities.

22. February 2024

Experts clearly in favour of PMSG abandonment: Das Wochenblatt reports on our new film.

With our new film, we demonstrate compelling reasons to abstain from using the hormone PMSG - a ban on the production, import, and application of the hormone must now ensue.

22. February 2024

WDR and Bremen 2 report on another transport catastrophe off the coast of South Africa.

19,000 animals are currently suffering on the transport route from Brazil to Iraq on an animal transport vessel.

23. January 2024

Schweizer Bund: No import ban on horse meat from Uruguay and Argentina

Broken promises: Flimsy investigations serve as mere decoration for a broken promise - for now, no import ban on horse meat from Uruguay and Argentina after all.

12. January 2024

Controversial Transports on the High Seas: ORF Reports on Our Work

The transport of living animals by sea is once again under scrutiny in the ORF feature.

23. May 2023

How Spain became a big player in trading live animals internationally

From the outside, the Spanish port of Cartagena may look like any other port. Trucks, containers and ships rushing back and forth. But behind the facade hides a cruel business. Besides Tarragona, Cartagena is the only port in Spain involved in the export of live animals.

Spain is the largest exporter of live cattle in Europe and the second largest…