31. July 2019

Poland | Chancza | Inspection of a problematic farm

Our team tries to enter the problematic farm in Chancza.

We are asked by the veterinary inspection to visit a problematic farm in Chancza. The farm is described as a neglected place operated by an aggressive man who has problem with alcohol addiction. He has four aggressive dogs and an emaciated mare. Apparently, the owner is aggressive and not cooperative at all. The veterinary inspection had to ask…

31. July 2019

Poland | Swietokrzyskie | Monthly Report July: Farm Animal Service

Zlotniki. We are installing a new doghouse.

This month, we are first visiting new farms that would like to join to our programme to improve the welfare of farm animals. The first farm in Tarczek is generally well-maintained, but we are concerned about the pony. It appears to be neglected. It has a dirty coat and very long and twisted hooves. We are talking with the owner about this issue. We…

29. July 2019

Poland | Bodzentyn, Lagow | Monthly Report July: Cattle & Horse Markets

Bodzentyn. We are writing down the ear tag number of a cow with overgrown claws.

The situation on the animal markets in Lagow and Bodzentyn remains quite stable. However, this time only a few horses are brought to the market. Recently, the main horse trader has not arrived and most of the animals returned to their original homes.

On the cattle market the situation is similar. Even though the number of cattle is much higher.…

24. July 2019

Poland, Slovenia, Israel | Transport of calves from Lithuania

Our team and investigators from our partner organisation, Israel Against Live Shipments (IALS), gather evidence of severe suffering of animals during long-distance transport from Lithuania to Israel. The documentation covers two long weeks of transport.

Our team is in Poland to control the transport of calves. We want to verify the compliance of…

23. July 2019

Germany | Reinhardshain | Veterinarian stopps transport of hens

Copyright: Polizei Mittelhessen

On Tuesday evening is still 37°C when a veterinarian is called to check on a transport of chickens on the autobahn A5 in Germany. She experienced a lot, but the sight of the 4,800 layers is extremely depressing. The animals have already been transported in hot weather for one day without food or water by a dutch transport company. The hens are from…

04. July 2019

Russia | Smolensk | Cattle exports to Kazachsthan

Cattle from the Czech Republic on their long journey to Kazaksthan.

Our team is trailing two trucks with cattle over 1.500 km, from the Smolensk area via Moscow to Samara, in the Southeast of Russia. The goal is to observe the compliance with EU Regulation No. 1/2005 concerning the required resting and feeding intervalls.

The traffic along the route is insane and so are the drivers of the trucks we are following.…

04. July 2019

Turkey | Kapikule | Animal transport to Turkey: Day 3

Truck with bulls from Romania arriving at the Turkish side of the border.

Only one truck with animals crosses the Turkish border today. It is loaded with young bulls from Romania. They are unloaded at a nearby stable to be watered and fed for a few hours. The animals are very thirsty and immediately start fighting for access to the water trough.

In the late afternoon, our team crosses the border in order to check if…

03. July 2019

Turkey | Kapikule | Animal transport to Turkey: Day 2

No animal trucks cross the Turkish border today.

The weather forecast predicts temperatures of 39°C at the Turkish border for today. This is the first day since we started observing this border in 2010 that we do not see any animal trucks crossing the border. We are satisfied that finally our minimum demand that no animals are transported in hot weather is fulfilled, at least for today.

02. July 2019

Turkey | Kapikule | Animal transport to Turkey: Day 1

Exhausted sheep lying down.

Our team starts to inspect animal trucks from the EU entering Turkey at the border of Kapikule. Close to the border crossing, we see young bulls with Austrian ear tags in a private stable. For one day, they have been stuck inside the border and for another one at this stable due to problems with their documents. Six other trucks with Austrian…