09. September 2019

Iceland | PMSG production | Blood farms for hormone production

117 empty blood canisters with a capacity of fives litres each.

During ten days of investigation in Iceland, we find 40 blood farms out of around 100 farms where blood is taken from pregnant mares for the production of the fertility hormone PMSG. We detect numerous risks of injury to the mares at these facilities. Most raceways and restraint boxes have dangerous gaps where the mares can injure their legs, and…

31. August 2019

Poland | Bodzentyn, Lagow | Monthly Report August: Cattle & Horse Markets

We are verbally attacked by the trader who received a reprimand regarding the ban of tying cattle by the horns in the truck.

The Italian trader is back on the horse market. This time he only buys older horses. The younger animals go back home. At Bodzentyn cattle market we also re-encounter a trader that left almost a year ago. The subsidy time ends and beside the big traders there are no people willing to buy cattle.

We observe that one trader ties the cows by their…

30. August 2019

Poland | Swietokrzyskie | Monthly Report August: Farm Animal Service

Brody. A hoof canker appears again. We are applying special ointment on a hoof.

This time, our Farm Animal Service (FAS) team is helping lame foal in Niedospielin. During trimming we find an injury in the hoof. The wound is cleaned and protected with a special dressing. Next, we are going to the farm in Brody where the problem of hoof canker appears again. It is a very difficult disease to treat. However, we do not give up. We…

22. August 2019

Argentina | Ezeiza, province of Buenos Aires | “Field of horror” of Raúl Onorato

Our team helping the rural police to save the dying horses of Onorato.

While our team is in Argentina investigating about the illegal trade of stolen horses, we learn about another case. More than 400 malnourished horses have been discovered on a field in Ezeiza near Buenos Aires. 25 of them are dead, four are dying. These horses belong to a dealer named Raúl Onorato, the father-in-law of Hernan Arbeo who recently…

18. August 2019

Argentina | Trenque Lauquen, province of Buenos Aires | Acopio Langhoff

Emaciated, weak horse lying down.

We visit the acopio (assembly centre) of horse dealer Angel Langhoff for the first time. There are approx. 100 horses present, including a few ponies and foals. Most of them are kept in small holding pens with dirt floors. They have no weather protection. The condition of the horses varies greatly. While some are malnourished, others are rather…

16. August 2019

Poland | Srodborze, Kochanow | Teaching kids compassion towards animals

During our training, the young animal enthusiasts learn about animal welfare.

This year we continue to meet children during summer camps to teach them about animal welfare. Like in previous times, our training includes a theoretical part in the form of a presentation, and a practical part based on the everyday work of our farriers.

During the theoretical training, the young animal enthusiasts learn about the concept of five…

16. August 2019

Konrad again responsible for toturous transports

It is the end of July when our teams are investigating together with our partner organisation Israel Against Live Shipments (IALS). We want to document live transports on their journey from Lithuania to Israel. On the 24th of July, we spot two transports with calves which are operated by the transport company Konrad. We inform the police and let…

15. August 2019

Argentina | Mar del Plata, province of Buenos Aires | Stolen horses at slaughterhouse Infriba

The confiscated horses are marked with slaughter ear tags.

On 6th August, we are informed that a truck with horses has been confiscated by the police on the way to the EU-approved slaughterhouse Infriba in Mar del Plata. The horses had been discovered on a slaughter truck owned by the Onorato family. An AWF|TSB team travels to Argentina to investigate and document this case. Out of the 32 horses on board…

06. August 2019

Germany | Federal Minister Julia Klöckner stops long-distant transports of unweaned calves to Spain

Thirsty calves desperately trying to drink water from pig drinkers that are not appropriate for them.

The German Federal Minister for Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection, Julia Klöckner, asked the Bavarian State Minister for Enviromental and Consumer Protection Affairs, Thorsten Glauber, in a letter to stop long-distance transports of unweaned calves from Bavaria to Spain. 

Julia Klöckner strongly emphasises in her letter that there are no…