18. October 2018

Germany | Oldenburg | inspections of animal transports

Road inspections near Emstek follow the seminar of the day before. Within three hours six national transports are inspected, three loaded with pigs and four with unweaned calves, some of them just a few days old. In one truck a calf is released that got stuck between a dangerous divider and the side wall of the truck. Futhermore insufficient…

18. October 2018

Poland | Wloszczowa | Court case

We are visiting the court in Wloszczowa and waiting for the verdict of another cases of cows with ingrown horns into their head. During summer 2017 at Bodzentyn cattle market our team observed three injured animals. After collecting evidence and hearing the witnesses, the Police sent these cases to the court in Wloszczowa. The judge decides to…

18. October 2018

Germany | Bad Waldsee | Transport of unweaned calves from Germany to Spain

In the beginning of October, AWF|TSB team drives 1160 km for more than 22 hours, trailing a truck which is transporting young German calves from Bad Waldsee (south of Germany) to a calf assembly centre in Vic (northern Spain). The youngest calf is just 15 days old.As victims of the German dairy industry (the main European milk producer), thousands…

27. September 2018

Poland | Bodzentyn| Monthly Report September: Cattle & Horse Markets

A cow with a swollen udder.

During the animal market inspection, our Farm Animal Service (FAS) team notices a couple of neglected animals. We spot a horse with overgrown hooves, a few cows with overgrown claws and a cow with a swollen udder probably caused by long-lasting mastitis. She should not have been transported to the market.

Additionally, our attention is brought to…

24. September 2018

Argentina | Buenos Aires, Cordoba | Horsemeat production

A horse is left to die a slow and painful death on the premises of Lamar.

In September 2018, our team travels to Argentinain order to see if the conditions for slaughter horses have improved after the repeated promises of the Swiss and European importers. We inspect again the two largest horse slaughterhouses in the country: Lamar in the province of Buenos Aires, and Land L in the province of Cordoba, as well as the…

14. September 2018

USA | Sugarcreek | Horse auction

Eight horses are crammed together in a small pen, without water.

Together with our partner organisation Animals’ Angels USA, we inspect a horse auction in Sugarcreek, Ohio. This is where disused horses are purchased by so-called kill buyers. The closest horse slaughterhouse is located in Québec, Canada, more than 1.100 km away from here.

The auction’s pen area is half empty today, only about 40 horses are…

31. August 2018

Poland | Bodzentyn| Monthly report August cattle & horse markets

[Translate to English:] Transporter des italienischen Einkäufers von Pferden für einen Schlachthof.

This month, our Polish team has visited animal markets 5 times. The number of animals remains very low. We have noticed one cow with overgrown hooves and one pony with laminitis. The mare has big problems walking. She was supposed to be sold to a slaughterhouse owned by an Italian. However, one of our Polish colleagues decides to rescue her. She…

18. August 2018

Poland | Voivodship swietokrzyskie | Monthly report August FAS

[Translate to English:] Wir kürzen das Horn der Kuh ein kleines Stück.

This month, our Polish farriers have visited 19 farms, some several times. They have trimmed hooves of 11 horses, claws of 2 cows and of a few goats. Our team has been called twice to lame horses. The reasons of lameness were an abscess in a stallion’s hoof and a small stone in a mare’s hoof. A new farmer has decided to sign the contract and joins…

31. July 2018

Poland | Voivodship Swietokrzyskie | Monthly report July: Farm Animal Service

Niedospielin - Cleaning the wound on mare’s leg.

Our farriers have visited 17 farms, trimmed 10 horses and 1 cow. They have also dewormed one mare. Two new contracts were signed. New participants of the FAS programme are requested to fulfill several tasks. For example, in Szerzawy the farmer needs to fix and clean stable windows and dog’s kennel. Our team has been asked to check a lame mare in…