31. July 2018

Poland | Bodzentyn| Monthly Report July: Cattle & Horse markets

Cow with ingrown hornes.

Being regularly present on the animal market in Bodzentyn for the last 15 years, we see that this place has changed a lot during last three years. The new mayor with a better approach, new market staff, new Veterinary Inspector and finally the big effort of our Polish team who regularly report all the infringements to the local Veterinary…

26. July 2018

Germany | Osnabrück | Training on road inspections on the A 30

Checking on a transporter with pigs on board destined for slaughter.

During road inspections on the highway A 30 nine animal transports loaded with Turkeys, chicken, pigs, calves and horses are inspected. A transporter is on the way to The Netherlands to load mink for a mink farm in Greece. There are concerns about the crates and loading conditions and thus we inform Eyes on Animals (NL), who right away send a team…

26. July 2018

Germany | Osnabrück | training on animal transport

Theoretical part of the seminar.

The police in Osnabrück has invited neighboring police inspections and official veterinarians to a training on animal transport. Beside the expert on animal transport Dr. Alexander Rabitsch, we are invited to share our observations and findings on long distance transports.


23. July 2018

Uruguay | Blood farm “Biomega SA” | Blood mares

Gauchos are moving the blood mares to a meadow.

Near the Biomega blood farm, a group of 300 mares is moved by two gauchos on horseback on a stony gravel road. They are on the way to a nearby pasture. The horses’ condition is variable: some look healthy, on first glance, and have an adequate body weight, while others are extremely emaciated. The horses have neglected hooves, some with cracks, and…

23. July 2018

Argentina | Province of Buenos Aires | Blood farm “Syntex SA” | Blood extraction

A worker is fixing the mare on the side wall.

From 8:15 until 10:30, more than 200 pregnant mares go through the blood extraction procedure. They are moved through the raceways and into the restraint boxes by brute force. The mares are hit with iron hooks, including on their heads, and poked in sensitive body parts. Wooden sticks are also used. Once they are inside the restraint box, the…

23. July 2018

Uruguay | Cerro Largo | Blood farm “Biomega SA” | Blood extraction

A worker is pulling on the tail of the mare to reach the genitals.

The blood extraction starts at 8:15 in the morning. Blood is taken for 6 to 13.5 minutes from the pregnant mares. The handling by the employees is extremely unprofessional and cruel. Different objects are used to force the horses into the restraint boxes: long wooden sticks, short pointed sticks, ropes and rubber strings. The mares are…

23. July 2018

Turkey| Kapikule| Inspection of animal transports to Turkey

Dead buffalo died on a transporter at the Turkey border.

During the weekend the temperatures are rising up to 37 degrees Celsius. Our team colleagues from the Bulgarian side are reporting one animal transporter after another entering the border. As a result, we are busy inspecting about 70 transports during these 3 days. Most of the animals are coming from Slovakia and Czech Republic, but also from…

20. July 2018

Turkey| Kapikule | EU Politician and official veterinarian accompany our inspection teams

[Translate to English:] Kontrolle von Tiertransportern an der türkischen Grenze

For several years now TSB|AWF teams have been documenting systematic breaches of the Regulation (EC) 1/2005 during transports to Turkey in the hot summer months, resulting in extreme animal suffering. Fortunately, this time our teams are accompanied to the Bulgarian-Turkish border by a Member of European Parliament and a German official…

12. July 2018

Spain | Tarragona | Shiptransport - ongoing investigations

[Translate to English:] “Britta K” steht bereit zum Laden von EU-Tieren für Libyen.

Thanks to our undercover team, we observe the loading of the animals on the “Britta K” vessel. This time, the loading is done in a professional way. However, most of the animals will suffer as a consequence of the long journey by the sea in bad conditions. For this reason, AWF|TSB will continue observing and denouncing these horrible export…