15. August 2017

Bulgaria | Kapitan Andreevo | BG-TR border investigation

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Again, in the morning the team on the Bulgarian side of the border have their hands full. We see a very overcrowded sheep transport and a distressed heifer rolling her tongue – a possible sign of thirst and heat stress. We start filming and document this reflex repeated continuously for over two minutes! One mystery truck passes by us quickly, but…

15. August 2017

Poland | Neutering program in Swietokrzyskie region

[Translate to English:] Łukasz Cieśla – Veterinär aus Nowa Słupia mit seiner Patientin Ramona.

In February, TSB/AWF invited chosen municipalities in the Swietokrzyskie region to participate in a free neutering program for cats and dogs belonging to residents (as opposed to the projects for homeless animals). The project assumed that TSB/AWF would finance 70% of neutering costs if local government covers the remaining 30% and the costs of…

14. August 2017

Bulgaria | Kapitan Andreevo | BG-TR border investigation

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A quick morning look at the situation at the border keeps us busy without time to eat or drink for almost five hours! We inspect 14 trucks trying to make their way to the border – the second lane is blocked by parked trucks, as usual. Animal transporters wait for more than one hour to enter the border area. Two drivers call the police to help…

13. August 2017

Bulgaria | Kapitan Andreevo | BG-TR border investigation

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Sunday. We know that the nearby control post in Svilengrad is full of trucks, so we expect today or tomorrow morning to be very busy. Today, we only see cattle transported, and the temperature remains very high: already before 10am it is 33 degrees. Later during the day, we document temperature inside trucks exceeding 37 degrees, and yet not every…

12. August 2017

Bulgaria | Kapitan Andreevo | BG-TR border investigation

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A busy day! The team on the Bulgarian side of the border documents nine transports today. The morning starts with young heifers being transported from Romania. According to the drivers, the animals rested in the nearby control post, and indeed they look okay, but their number is worrying: over 80 on each truck! We are relieved to see that the…

11. August 2017

Bulgaria | Kapitan Andreevo | BG-TR border investigation

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Today we document three sheep transports crossing the border in the early afternoon. The heat is severe and the unshorn sheep from Romania suffer immensely on board of trucks. We see at least one leg trapped between the floor and the wall of the trailer. The sheep are breathing heavily, look exhausted, while overcrowding with insufficient headspace…

10. August 2017

Bulgaria | Kapitan Andreevo | BG-TR border investigation

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The team on the Bulgarian side watch the border from late morning. We see only one truck crossing during the day, others choose the night, with lower temperatures but longer waiting times to cross. Five of six trucks loaded with cattle look overcrowded, which means even greater suffering for the animals. Moreover, water troughs are dirty and full…

09. August 2017

Bulgaria | Kapitan Andreevo | BG-TR border investigation

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TSB|AWF and EonA teams are documenting the situation on the Bulgarian/Turkish border Kapitan Andreevo/Kapikule. In the night, the team on the Bulgarian side inspects nine long-distance transports of pregnant heifers waiting in a very long line-up to cross the border. The access to the border on both lanes is completely blocked by trucks. Therefore,…

31. July 2017

Poland | Srodborze, Kochanow | Farm Animal Service - Teaching kids compassion toward animals

[Translate to English:] Erinnerungsfoto mit den Kindern in Srodborze.

During the summer, our FAS team decided to organize trainings about animal welfare for children spending their holidays at summer camps. Our farriers visited two places a few times: a rancho in Kochanow and a riding center in Srodborze. The trainings include a theoretical part in the form of a presentation, and a practical part based on everyday…