12. December 2021

PMSG investigation in Uruguay: Blood farm Biomega

Emaciated mare in a pasture with low-nutrient grass.

During an investigation in Uruguay, we observe the Biomega blood farm over two days. Blood collections from pregnant mares continue to take place to produce the fertility hormone PMSG. We take a look at the wide pastures where the so-called “blood mares” are kept. It is very hot, and the small bushes do not provide enough shade for the horses. The…

30. November 2021

Poland | Swietokrzyskie | Monthly report November: Farm Animal Service

Kurzacze. The mare is very nervous, and we have to postpone the trimming of her hooves.

This month, the work for our Farm Animal Service (FAS) team starts with a warning in Paprocice. The owners of the farm need to repair the dilapidated doghouse as soon as possible. The temperatures are decreasing, and their dog is not properly protected against cold weather.

The next farm we are visiting is located in Sieradowice. Here, we trim the…

30. November 2021

Cruel transports by sea from the EU - 38 hours waiting time before unloading

Once again, our teams, together with our partner organisation IALS, uncovers violations of the EU animal welfare transport regulation: At the beginning of November, the livestock carrier Shorthorn Express leaves Portugal with over 3,000 young bulls on board. We track the transport using GPS data. Six days later, the ship reached the port of…

12. November 2021

Phoenix III: Another live export tragedy at sea after the vessel incidents Karim Allah and Elbeik

Video material by our partner organisation IALS in Haifa show exhausted animals crammed into trucks directly after being unloaded from the Phoenix III.

Two weeks long live animal transport from Portugal to Israel - livestock vessel stuck off the Italian coast for two days, 14 animals died during the trip. NGOs call on the ANIT Committee to ask for a ban of live animal transport at sea.

The vessel Phoenix III, heading to the Israel Shipyard Port in Haifa, Israel with a cargo of 1,200 young bulls…

31. October 2021

Poland | Bodzentyn | Monthly Report October: Animal Markets

Bodzentyn cattle market: Our team on their way to inspect the cattle market.

Our team is inspecting the animal markets in Bodzentyn. On both, the cattle, and the bird market, we observe mostly well-kept animals. There are not many animals at the market. Therefore, the trade ends early. The number of animals has been decreasing since years. The traders suspect that the cattle market in Bodzentyn will soon close its doors…

31. October 2021

Poland | Swietokrzyskie | Monthly report October: Farm Animal Service

Okalina. We trim the hooves of four horses. All suffer from laminitis.

October is a busy month for our Farm Animal Service (FAS) team. We start our work by trimming the hooves of four horses on a farm in Okalina. All for animals suffer from laminitis. Recently, the owner started to build a new stable for the small herd and is currently waiting for help to finish the roof.  

Next, we drive to farm in Niedospielin to…

31. October 2021

Poland | Wachock | Anna Lorenzen: Committed to animal welfare since 20 years

31 October 2021 – Anna’s last day of work.

Anna has been committed to helping since 20 years. The first time she worked with us was over ten years ago at the largest regional Polish market for "slaughter" horses in Bodzentyn. Up to 1,000 horses per week, brutally handled, brutally loaded and transported. Today this market no longer exists, also thanks to Anna's consistent market…

26. October 2021

Police Training | Osnabrück | Road inspections with police on the A33

The participants of the seminar are inspecting live transports on the A33 with police Osnabrück (Germany).

The theoretical part of the seminar was followed today by road inspections on a parking lot at the A33. It was a successful day for the participants of the seminar, resulting in 22 inspected live transports. Besides several transports loaded with pigs, we inspected cattle, calves, chickens, turkey chicks, horses, fish, goat kids, and a truck with…

25. October 2021

Police Training | Osnabrück | Seminar on live transport – Theory

Theory: „Inspections of live transports” at the police Osnabrück.

After the first seminar on road inspections of live transports in 2018 for the police in Osnabrück, we are now conducting a follow up seminar. Together with our expert, the veterinarian Dr Alexander Rabitsch, our team provides the welfare related provisions of the EU Regulation 1/2005, and the national regulation on the protection of animals during…