11. October 2021

We have been selected to be a member of the EU Platform on Animal Welfare

We have officially been chosen to be a member of the "Animal Welfare Platform" by the EU Commission. This group of experts is supposed to advise the EU Commission on important animal welfare issues. In the past few years, our investigators have been invited to the platform as independent experts on the subject of unweaned calf transports. We are…

30. September 2021

Poland | Bodzentyn | Monthly Report September: Animal Markets

Bodzentyn: Our team is checking the tethering of the calf.

Also in September, the situation at the animal markets in Bodzentyn remains unchanged. The number of cattle being sold at the market has been low for months. Most of the animals are calves. Due to very low prices, many animals are not sold at the market and transported back home. During our market inspection, our team does not document any animal…

17. September 2021

Czech Republic| Rozvadov | Transport of calves to Spain

Unweaned calves from the Czech Republic en route to Spain.

Our team trails a Polish transporter loaded with 232 calves from Czech Republic. The calves have not been weaned yet. This means that they are still reliant on milk. During a stop close to the German border we inspect the loading conditions of the calves. The truck is equipped with a drinking system for pigs. This not appropriate to provide liquids…

15. September 2021

Iceland | PMSG production | Blood extraction

Workers use brute force to move the mares into the restraint boxes.

On this relatively small blood farm, blood is extracted today from 60 mares in three restraint boxes, which takes three hours in total. The mares are restrained in the boxes with a belt over their backs so that they cannot rear up. Their heads are pulled up by a rope and fixed to one side of the box. Then, a large-bore cannula is inserted into…

10. September 2021

Iceland | PMSG production | Blood extraction

Aerial view of large blood farm with six restraint boxes.

Video footage obtained on a large blood farm with six restraint boxes shows the everyday treatment of blood mares during blood extraction. The entire procedure, lasting three hours in total, is stressful for the semi-wild horses.

The mares and foals are herded from the pasture to the blood collection site with honking cars, shouting people and…

31. August 2021

Poland | Bodzentyn | Monthly Report August: Cattle and Bird Market

Bodzentyn cattle market. Our team inspects the cattle market every Saturday.

The atmosphere during our inspections at the cattle market in Bodzentyn is very unpleasant this month. We observe farmers who are trying to sell the same animals (mainly claves) since weeks. The farmers are complaining about very low prices. Therefore, they prefer to take the animals back home instead of selling them for cheap. Our team is being…

31. August 2021

Poland | Swietokrzyskie | Monthly report August: Farm Animal Service

Rzepin. The horses are well trained and now. The trimming of the hooves’ goes efficient and fast.

This month, our Farm Animal Service (FAS) team starts their work by trimming the hooves of two young horses in Rzepin. Since the owner has been eagerly practising with his horses to pick up their legs, the trimming of the hooves goes very smoothly this time.

Next, our team is driving to Sniadka. There, a horse was diagnosed with scabies – a skin…

31. July 2021

Poland | Swietokrzyskie | Monthly report July: Farm Animal Service

Bardo: Our team is looking after the claws of several cows.

In July, our Farm Animal Service (FAS) team is very busy again. We are starting our work by visiting two farms in Szerzawy. On the first farm, we notice that the owner did install many stable improvements since our last visit. He fixed one of the stable doors and whitened the walls. As a reward we trim hooves of his mare. On the next farm, we are…

30. July 2021

Poland | Bodzentyn | Monthly Report July: Cattle and Bird Market

Bodzentyn. Our team inspects cattle market every Saturday.

Our team is inspecting the cattle market in Bodzentyn. Lately, mainly young cattle are being brought to the market for sale. During all our inspection days, the number of animals remains low and does not exceed 150 animals. The animals that we see are all in good condition. There are no animal welfare violations to report.

Our team encounters a…